* AELVC Program: Support Access to Education and Leadership Building of Vulnerables Children
AELVC Program 2020-2021
After the first successful edition of the program, Engaged For Children is extending the AELVC Program for 2020-2021 to one more country in addition to BURUNDI: COTE D'IVOIRE.
This year, given the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on populations, with an increase in the impoverishment of several families due to the loss of employment for many heads of household and the risk of persistence of the health and economic vulnerability because of barrier measures such as social distancing and lockdowns, it is more than necessary to support the return to school of several children.
In total therefore, at least 250 children will be selected as beneficiaries in the 2 countries, according to the targeting criteria and the availability of the total requested funding which amounts to CAD $ 30,000 (including expected donations).
In the 2 countries, following the initial survey on vulnerability at the start of the program ("study on households' socio-economic situation"), priority will be given to vulnerable children from rural communities and / or disadvantaged urban communities and that are most affected by the crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on girls out of school and children in marginalized situations (eg Batwa and albinos in Burundi).
In addition, for the purpose of cohort monitoring, the 21 children benefiting from the program in BURUNDI the previous year will be automatically included in the program if the vulnerability survey indicates that the socio-economic situation of their families has not been improved.
The AELVC Program will be implemented with our local partners in the target countries, including the CSO EPDSED in BURUNDI and the NGO IAD International in COTE D'IVOIRE.
The program budget will be used to cover activities directly contributing to the access to education of beneficiary children (including the payment of annual school fees, of which the average is CAD $ 75 per child, the supply of school kits, the purchase of equipment such as radios and tablets for remote / online learning according to the type of emergency educational program in place in the country, etc.), as well as the capacity building activities on Children's rights for beneficiaries (around 750 girls and boys) in target schools, the management, coordination and monitoring of the program.
To fund the annual schooling fees for a child:
- Click to make a secure donation by credit card (VISA, Mastercard...)* The amount must be converted into Canadian dollars according to the daily rate.
- (For Canadian residents) You can directly make your donation by Interac transfer to donations@engagedforchildren.org (direct deposit without a question / answer), You will automatically receive an acknowledgement of your donation by email
- OR write us at info@engagedforchildren.org.
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